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Create Airdrop Campaigns

In this guide, we will show you how you can use Solidity to create a campaign via the Merkle Factory.

This guide assumes that you have already gone through the Protocol Concepts section.


The code in this guide is not production-ready, and is implemented in a simplistic manner for the purpose of learning.

Set up a contract

Declare the Solidity version used to compile the contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.8.22;

Now, import the relevant symbols from @sablier/lockup and @sablier/airdrops:

import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { ud2x18 } from "@prb/math/src/UD2x18.sol";
import { ISablierLockup } from "@sablier/lockup/src/interfaces/ISablierLockup.sol";
import { ISablierMerkleInstant } from "@sablier/airdrops/src/interfaces/ISablierMerkleInstant.sol";
import { ISablierMerkleLL } from "@sablier/airdrops/src/interfaces/ISablierMerkleLL.sol";
import { ISablierMerkleLT } from "@sablier/airdrops/src/interfaces/ISablierMerkleLT.sol";
import { ISablierMerkleFactory } from "@sablier/airdrops/src/interfaces/ISablierMerkleFactory.sol";
import { MerkleBase, MerkleLL, MerkleLT } from "@sablier/airdrops/src/types/DataTypes.sol";

Create a contract called MerkleCreator, and declare a constant DAI of type IERC20, a constant LOCKUP of type ISablierLockup and a constant FACTORY of type ISablierMerkleFactory.

contract MerkleCreator {
IERC20 public constant DAI = IERC20(0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574);
ISablierMerkleFactory public constant FACTORY = ISablierMerkleFactory(0x4ECd5A688b0365e61c1a764E8BF96A7C5dF5d35F);
ISablierLockup public constant LOCKUP = ISablierLockup(0xC2Da366fD67423b500cDF4712BdB41d0995b0794);
In the code above, the contract addresses are hard-coded for demonstration purposes. However, in production, you would likely use input parameters to allow flexibility in changing the addresses.

Also, these addresses are deployed on Ethereum Sepolia. If you need to work with a different chain, Lockup addresses can be obtained from the Lockup Deployments page.

And, Factory address can be obtained from the Merkle Airdrops Deployments page.

Create function

There are three create functions available through factory:

Which one you choose depends upon your use case. In this guide, we will use createMerkleLL.

Function definition

Define a function called createMerkleLL that returns the address of newly deployed Merkle Lockup contract.

function createMerkleLL() public returns (ISablierMerkleLL merkleLL) {
// ...


Merkle Factory uses MerkleBase.ConstructorParams as the shared struct among all the create functions.

MerkleBase.ConstructorParams memory baseParams;

Let's review each parameter of the shared struct in detail.


Boolean that indicates whether the stream will be cancelable or not after it has been claimed.

baseParams.cancelable = false;


The unix timestamp indicating the expiration of the campaign. Once this time has been passed, users will no longer be able to claim their airdrop. And you will be able to clawback any unclaimed tokens from the campaign.

baseParams.expiration = uint40(block.timestamp + 12 weeks);

Initial Admin

This is the initial admin of the Airstream campaign. When a recipient claims his airdrop, a Lockup stream is created with this admin as the sender of the stream. Another role of admin is to clawback unclaimed tokens from the campaign post expiry and during grace period.

baseParams.initialAdmin = address(0xBeeF);


This is the content identifier (CID) for indexing the contract on IPFS. This is where we store addresses of the Airdrop recipients and their claim amount.

baseParams.ipfsCID = "QmT5NvUtoM5nWFfrQdVrFtvGfKFmG7AHE8P34isapyhCxX";

Merkle Root

These campaigns use a Merkle tree data structure to store the airdrop data onchain. As a result, you only pay the gas fee to create the contract and store the Merkle root onchain. Airdrop recipients can then call the contract on their own to claim their airdrop.

If you want to create the Merkle root programmatically, you can follow our guide on Merkle API.

baseParams.merkleRoot = 0x4e07408562bedb8b60ce05c1decfe3ad16b722309875f562c03d02d7aaacb123;


The name of the campaign. = "My First Campaign";


The contract address of the ERC-20 token that you want to airdrop to your recipients. In this example, we will use DAI.

baseParams.token = DAI;


Boolean that indicates whether the stream will be transferable or not. This is the stream that users obtain when they claim their airstream.

baseParams.transferable = true;

Now that we have the baseParams ready, it's time to setup rest of the input parameters.

Aggregate Amount

This is the total amount of tokens you want to airdrop to your users, denoted in units of the asset's decimals. Let say you want to airdrop 100M tokens of DAI. Then, the aggregate amount would be 100M1018100M*10^{18}.

uint256 aggregateAmount = 100000000e18;

Recipient Count

The total number of recipient addresses.

uint256 recipientCount = 10000;


For the Lockup Linear campaign, a new struct named Schedule is needed. This structure enables the configuration of various requirements for the campaign creator. For this example, we will have the following configurations:

  1. startTime: sets the start time of vesting. If set to 0, the vesting will begin at the time of claim.
  2. startPercentage: We want to unlock 0.01% of the total amount at the start time.
  3. cliffDuration: We want a cliff duration of 30 days.
  4. cliffPercentage: We want to unlock another 0.01% after the cliff period ends.
  5. totalDuration: The total duration of vesting should be 90 days.
MerkleLL.Schedule memory schedule = MerkleLL.Schedule({
startTime: 0,
startPercentage: ud2x18(0.01e18),
cliffDuration: 30 days,
cliffPercentage: ud2x18(0.01e18),
totalDuration: 90 days

Invoke the create function

With all parameters set, we can now call the createMerkleLL function, and assign the address of the newly created campaign to a variable:

merkleLL = FACTORY.createMerkleLL({
baseParams: baseParams,
lockup: LOCKUP,
cancelable: false,
transferable: true,
schedule: schedule,
aggregateAmount: aggregateAmount,
recipientCount: recipientCount

Full code

Below you can see the full code. You can also access the code on GitHub through this link.

Merkle Campaign Creator